So Long and Thanks for all the Fish

Most of you know that we are in the middle of moving from Haverhill, MA to Pelham, NH. Tomorrow is the day that the movers are coming to move all the big stuff, including the 130G fish tank. So, today I got my butt in gear and set up the 30G in the new house and moved the fish into it. I have 3 parrot fish, 2 small plecos, and 1 very large pleco. Because the big pleco is so very large (about 18"), I had to move them in a large styrofoam cooler that was lined with trash bags. It held up pretty good, but started to give way and leak once I got it into the Pelham house, so I had to move fast and get them into their temporary tank.

It ended up being a rather wet job, but the fish got safely into their tank and are doing fine.

The hedgies are doing great as well. The little girl with the infected bite mark is looking a lot better. The swelling has already gone down, and the pus is gone.
