Hedgehog Rescue by Hamor Hollow

Sometimes things don’t work out with a hedgie companion, and that’s okay. Living conditions change, schedules fluctuate, and family members move away.

  • Maybe the primary caregiver has gone off to college.

  • Maybe a new apartment doesn’t allow pets.

  • Maybe a new work schedule no longer allows time to take care of a pet.

  • Maybe a hedgie’s quills became too scary for a young child after an impulse buy at a local hedgehog-themed pet store.

We understand, and will happily take in any hedgehog rescue, no questions asked. Our motivation is to make sure that hedgies find caregivers who have experience interacting with older and rescue hedgehogs instead of being sold on Craigslist or Facebook.

Are You Looking To ADOPT a RESCUED Hedgehog?

All hedgies deserve a second chance at a loving forever home! If you’re an experienced hedgehog caregiver, and have taken care of hedgehogs before, please reach out to us if you’d like to adopt one of our rescue hedgies. At any given time we may have up to ten rescue hedgies looking for adoptive caregivers.

Please note that rescue hedgehogs usually require unique care and attention above and beyond that of our socialized babies. Rescues may have gone through trauma, or may not have been socialized. A majority of our hedgehog rescues are older than two years, and will require a calm, quiet household to assist with resocialization.

Additionally, we prefer that caregivers choose their rescue hedgie after handling and interacting with them in person, not choosing from photos.


Contact Us To Schedule a Hedgehog Rescue

Book via our Contact form, or on Facebook.


Rescue Information

  • Hamor Hollow Hedgehogs is listed as an approved rescue facility by the Hedgehog Welfare Society.

  • Hedgehog rescues are free of charge for both drop-offs and adoptions, but donations are greatly appreciated. All donations and tip proceeds help support Hamor Hollow’s extensive rescue operation.

  • If possible, please drop off any enclosures, bedding, accessories, treats, and food along with the rescue hedgehog. A familiar environment with known foods and smells will help keep the transition to a new home as stress-free as possible.

  • Per the requirements of our USDA license, we will ask for information pertaining to the hedgehog’s history that will assist in rehoming, such as age and sex.


All donations and tip proceeds help support our rescue operation and rehoming efforts.
