Trouble with the ANSI girl

The little ANSI girl with the infected quills is looking a little worse in one spot, but the other 2 spots look healed. She keeps getting a little better, and then a little worse, and then a little better again. Each time she gets better it is an overall improvement, so the meds are working. I'm continuing her course of Clavamox until the meds are finished. She is still active and eating, so I'm not worried overall. The other ANSI girl is weaned and doing great, and the little boy runt is still with ANSII and doing well. He's getting bigger and he's full of personality, so I have no worries about him growing up to be a normal hedgehog.

Google was acting a little strange today. She is due in about a week, so she may have been having some early labor pains. I checked on her later and she was doing fine, but I will keep checking in on her.

I ran to the Haverhill house and grabbed more odds and ends and started sweeping it out. Closing is on Friday and it needs to be broom swept clean and empty of the rest of our stuff. Don't ever let anyone ever tell you that selling a house isn't stressful. I'm looking foreword to being down to only one house, but there is still a lot of work that will need to be done to make the new house feel like home.
