Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-05

  • New food prices and regulations will be in effect starting March 1st. Our 'Food' page will be updated within the next few days. #
  • I am currently writhing up our shipping regulations for national and international travel. They will be posted later this week. #
  • Due to the snow, we will add a March 6th Open House for those that don't want to come today. Don't chance it if the roads are bad. #
  • It is still snowing here and the roads may be bad. Be careful if you still plan to attend the our open house. #
  • Order your hedgehog food now. Price and policy changes in effect starting 3/1. #
  • Impromptu Hedgehog World chat: Join Kelly from Hamor hollow and save her from the drudgery of answering emails! #
  • Join us tonight at 6pm EST in Hedgehog World chat. #
  • New food prices are in effect today. Please check our website before your next order. #
  • Disaster averted: my space heater died in the hedgehog room and the temp dropped to 66. Heater is fixed now and room warming up. #
  • Everyone is fine and we caught it before the hedgehogs started to hibernate. Heat is so so important for our hedgehogs. #
  • Join us now for live chat on #