Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-04

  • Our next open houses will be on Saturday the 18th and Sunday the 19th from 11-1. You must RSVP and you must fill... #
  • Please double check your email address when you fill out our questionnaire or contact form. If your email is... #
  • Is it too much to ask that people put a little time and effort into filling out my questionnaire? At least show me... #
  • I have an opening for Thursday at 11am if you want to buy a hedgehog or just learn about them. I have 1... #
  • Hedgehog food will be sent out on Friday. Please order when you have at least 2 weeks of food left so that you... #
  • Hamor Hollow Hedgehogs would like to wish Hedgehog Ville the best of luck with their little man and his issues.... #
  • You have till midnight tonight if you want me to mail out hedgehog food on Friday. #
  • We have 2 spaces left for an open house this Sat 8/4 from 11-12. You must fill out a questionnaire and RSVP via... #