Please fill out the Questionnaire

If you are interested in purchasing one of our babies, we need you to fill out the questionnaire . We are required by the USDA to have information on file for all of our buyers that includes your name, address, phone number, and email. Your phone number is particularly important so that we can contact you if we need to reschedule an appointment. Fill out the answers to the hedgehog questions to the best of your ability. It is not a test. We use your answers to help us help you learn how to best take care of your future hedgehog.

Please do not lie to us or omit information. If we catch you in an outright lie or a lie of omission, we aren't going to sell you a hedgehog. We reserve the right to refuse a sale at any point for any reason.

Another important reason for the questionnaire is that it shows me the buyer is willing to put some effort into getting a pet that is right for them and that this isn't an impulse idea.
