Friday is Cage Cleaning Day

Friday is the day that every hedgehog here at Hamor Hollow gets a full cage cleaning. I do partial changes during the week (particularly for the moms and group cages), but Friday is the big day when the whole Hollow gets a cleaning. Why Friday you ask? Well, there are 2 reasons. #1 is that Sean takes the dirty shavings to the dump on Saturday, and #2 is that usually we have people visiting and viewing the hedgehogs over the weekend and we don't want to stink them out. This week there is a reason #3: The Return Of The Parential Units. Mom has a sensitive sniffer, and I really don't need to hear her complain. I mean, I have roughly 60 hedgehogs (some of them are visiting from 2 other breeders), so there is going to be some sort of smell no matter what I do. Even Martha doesn't have any cleaning tips to make poop NOT smell. Cut me a little slack, ok? The summer humidity doesn't help as it tends to get into the shavings and bring out the ammonia smell. So I open windows and run fans to help. I had a really expensive filter that worked wonders, but it died a horrible death when we lost power a few months back.

We will install the A/C in the room next week, and that will help with the heat and humidity. The problem then becomes making sure the room doesn't get too cold. Maybe I need one of those expensive A/Cs with a temperature control. Just another cost to add to the long list of reasons why breeding animals will never make a person rich.

Well, enough about my cleaning woes. I'm off to finish up the offs and ends before the parents return.

